The Write Moment: Plotting or Pantsing?
A self-reflecting moment to consider the best writing practices for YOU.
My last post got me thinking about this delineation we make between authors who plot and those who are discovery writers or “pantsers.”
There is no wrong way to write, but that doesn’t mean we don’t pressure ourselves to fit into a box that makes sense to the rest of the world.
FUN FACT: You’re unique, and nothing is black and white.
This is true in writing as much as it is in everyday life.
Just like there is no wrong way to write, there is no right or wrong way to get to the plot of your story.
Then why does it matter if you identify as a plotter, pantser, or plantser? Because when you figure out which camp you fall into, it makes your writing journey a helluva lot easier to navigate. It's easier to anticipate your needs and give yourself grace when things aren't jiving for you.
I am not a discovery writer or “pantser,” as we call it in the industry. Pantsers often sit down and go wherever the story takes them - a journey similar to a reader's, actually. I have too many thoughts I need to get out of my head before I lose them, so brainstorming and organizing help me feel more in control.
But I’m not a hard and fast outliner or “plotter” either. I used to think I was because I had to be one or the other, right? Nope. In fact, hardly any plotting methods I've studied or used have resonated with me. I felt dumb. Discouraged. Frustrated.
I’m a proud plantser!!!!
"Plantsers" are writers that land somewhere in between Plotters and Pantsers, and the outlining process I've created for myself (which I share in my workbook) is a hybrid of both - loose plotting and usually only the first half of the book. I always know the endgame; I just might question how, exactly, I'll get there.
What are you?
When you think about your story, do you need to organize your plot, create bullets, and flesh out scenes and characters? Do you need to map the journey out before it can begin?
Or are you more of a pantser and find joy and excitement in sitting down and seeing where the journey takes you? Figuring out where you land on the process spectrum might make all the difference in your comfort, ease, and enjoyment while writing!
Or are you a little bit of both, like me?
There is no wrong way to get to your plot, remember? What’s yours?
Until next time!