The Breakdown: Publishing Queasiness
Q&A: I tackle the natural feelings that come along with pressing publish for the first time (and in some cases, each subsequent book after)
Question: I published yesterday and I still feel a bit queasy about it. How do you get over that feeling?
This is a great question. A natural question.
Writing itself is a vulnerable practice. Your imagination or life experiences (depending on your genre) show through to all who read it. Your thoughts are shared, and how you craft a story illustrates your ability to communicate and how well you do it. In essence, pressing publish is a culmination of every battle-borne thought and word. It's a proclamation that you think you've got what it takes, that you're good enough.
Even if you don't realize it, those are likely the thoughts, insecurities, and uncertainties that come to light and make you second-guess yourself the closer you draw to completion. While the queasiness might get better over time, for most people, it takes a few times (at least) before it gets much better.
Hell, you could be publishing your 30th book like me, and I still get a little anxious when pressing publish.
While fear and anxiety are natural feelings when you take the giant leap, I bet there's excitement in there, too. And hopefully, pride.
I'll say it again.
YOU WROTE A BOOK. You had an idea and saw it through.
Do you know how many aspiring authors I've talked to that have started dozens of stories and never finished a single one? Most. Regardless of their reasons, they haven't been able to achieve what you have. At least, not yet.
BUT YOU DID. You took the leap, you put yourself out there, and that's something to be proud of.
Important note for the quease-meter: the leaping frogs will eventually transform into fluttering butterflies. The excitement might take over completely ...Followed by a never-ending list of all the things you need to do now that your book is published. But that's a post for another time. :)
Also worth noting is that we all need thicker skin in this biz because we're opening ourselves up to criticism with each published book and there will no doubt be some. You can't please everyone, and some of the criticism can be helpful (and sometimes entertaining). But there's no getting around it.
And while criticism is terrifying, and any negative feedback you receive can be gutting, it will get easier over time.
Take comfort in knowing we've all started where you are now.
And you know what's kept us going? The golden moments.
The 5-star reviews.
The comments on social media, raving about our books.
The feeling of awe when you're holding a physical copy in your hand - a book YOU wrote with your name printed on the cover and everything.
There are dozens of golden moments sprinkled in with the uncertainty, and those are the morsels we hold onto.
So, don't worry. You're in good company. You got this!