Recs and Resources: Podcasts
Podcast resources you might find helpful, depending on where you are in your author journey, and why I like them.
If you’ve been around, you know I talk endlessly about staying focused, listening to your gut, and blocking out distractions.
There is so much information in the world, and it can be difficult to determine who to listen to, what to focus on, and what is good information.
So, this week, I’m checking in about podcast resources you might find helpful, depending on where you are in your author journey. I'll also explain why I like them.
To be clear, I’ve listened to a LOT of podcasts over the years. I still subscribe to about 12 of them, but I’ve learned to listen selectively. I don’t fit them all in every week (though I used to try). My time is precious, and if the episodes don’t serve me, I don’t listen. And that’s okay! It’s like a book you feel you have to finish, even if you’re not enjoying it. YOUR TIME IS PRECIOUS. You can be selective.
Here are a few things to consider if you get sucked into the “rabbit hole” of podcasts:
PODCASTS ARE FREE. Don’t let apps trick you into buying a plan. You can listen to all of these podcasts for free on MANY platforms, including Crowdcast (what I use), Audible, Google, Spotify, etc. There are so many!
It’s okay to skip the episodes that don’t apply to you.
If you don’t have time to listen, save them for later. They will be there when you’re ready.
If you don’t like it, unsubscribe. Seriously. There’s a weird guilt that accompanies signing up for things sometimes. Don’t let the notifications clog up your app and make you anxious because you have unread episodes you know you’ll likely never listen to.
Okay, now it’s time for my top four podcast recs…
But first, I have not listened to every book and author/publishing-related podcast there is. I’m not saying there aren’t great ones out there, but of the many I have listened to, these are the ones that have served me best. And no, I am not getting any kickbacks or payments from these folks. I find them helpful in my weekly listening rotation. Here’s why…
PUBLISHING + MARKETING: Publish and Prosper with Matt Briel and Lauren Vassallo
This is an excellent podcast for newbie authors because they discuss a lot of foundation-building for your author business, like email marketing and selling direct. They are also my favorite to listen to. Their banter cracks me up.
INDUSTRY NEWS + UPDATES: Sell More Books Show with Bryan Cohen
This podcast breaks down key industry beats for the week. It’s like listening to the news but specifically book-related. It’s a good resource for staying up to date on what’s going on in the publishing and writing world in a short amount of time. As of 2024, Bryan now has rotating co-hosts offering their perspectives on what’s happening, which can be helpful.
MINDSET: Author Revolution with Carissa Andrews
Not only does she have some helpful guests on the show, but Carissa is a mindset coach. Her podcast brings something extra, especially if you’re interested in taming the wild beast of uncertainty. Some of her episodes focus on identifying what you truly want from your author career, where your mindset may be stopping you, and so on. Is it a little woo-woo? Sure, but mindset is crucial if you want to have a healthy relationship with your success and writing craft. Be sure to skim her past episodes to see which might speak to you.
AUTHOR REFLECTIONS: Wish I’d Known Then…For Writers
This podcast invites a new author each week to chat about their success and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. It doesn’t hurt to learn from other authors' mistakes to help you save time building your business.